Start your own business
13.2.2024 15:00
Startia is organizing free and open start-up online events for all future entrepreneurs. During the events, we will go through everything you need to know to start a business.
The events will be organized separately in Finnish, Swedish, and English. Sign up below for a suitable event.
The events:
- Start your own business, information in English, 20.2 at 15.00-16.00
- Startti-info suomeksi, 13.2. klo 15.00-16.00
- Start-info på svenska, 15.2 kl. 15.00-16.00
The event is held in Teams. We'll send you the link on the day of the event. Please, check your junk mail folder if you haven't received the link or contact
You are warmly welcome!